
Kicking it back like it’s 2004!

Chicken Man is an action-comedy inspired by cartoons and superhero movies from the 2000s.

About VOL.1

Set in 2004 suburbia, Chicken Man is the story of a “man” who is completely powerless, but thinks he has superpowers. On this false-guided whim he sets out to fight the evil that threatens his home. but what threat? A group of evil Vegetable People who are armed with the goal to wipe out the vegetarian lifestyle forever!

The city, a once peaceful suburban paradise. Meets a new reign of horror as a group of extreme Vegetable rights activists are transformed into Evil vegetable people! Armed, with a goal to destroy The vegetarian lifestyle forever!!!




Pan Cooper, an 18-year-old “Man” believes he has obtained superpowers. On this false-guided whim he decides to become the bucket-headed crime fighter ‘Chicken Man’! and sets out to face the evil that Threatens his home!

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Chicken Man® is © 2015-2025 Andrew Komer. All rights reserved.